
Monday, July 2, 2012

No Heat Challenge 7th Month Update

Hey Lovelies! 7 months down and only 5 more to go!!!! I know I say this every month but man I am proud of myself for sticking with it! This month has been super duper crazy because I went on vacation to Florida so I was only able to deep condition my hair once and I was in the  :( BOO!!! I know I need to go into the box of shame! My hair is really showing that I have been negligent. It's super dry, frizzy, knotty and I have to throw it up after one day.    For the month of July I swear I will get my rear in gear and be better at deep conditioning. I did get my first texlax done earlier this month for the year and will get my second one in the beginning of December. I am still sealing my ends with coconut oil and it is amazing! If you didn't catch last months update check it out here at No Heat Challenge 6th Month Update and if you would like to follow my journey form the start then No Heat Challenge 1st Month Update

June 30th:


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you so much :) That just made my day lol

  2. Your hair looks amazing! So lucky, I still have heat damage on the front of my hair T_T

    1. Thank you so much! I do too lol that's why I always roll my bangs back :)
