
Thursday, June 14, 2012

A very green guest post from Nail Noise

Hello lovely and beautiful Mixed Mama followers! My name is Crystal and I'm addicted to nail polish and nail art.. oh wait, we all are, that's why we're here! Let me be more specific, I am addicted to GREEN nail polish! I have never met a green or teal I didn't like. So I decided to showcase my insatiable love in the style of a "straw blot manicure". I have seen a few different nail artists around the blogworld use this technique, and I had to try it for myself with my favorite color!

First I applied a base coat of Cosmetic Arts - Goblin Jizz (I named it that myself, there is no actual name), which is a bright granny smith apple green neon-ish beauty that looks like this:

In sunlight

Then I used a straw to blot on circles and half circles all over my nails in varying shades of green and one silver. I used the same process one would with a dotting tool, except with a straw! 

Indoor lighting

The two greens are Innocence by Sinful Colors (the more yellowish one) and Fresh by Orly (the brighter one). The silver is Wet N Wild's Metallica

As you can see I got some bubbling, but that was all my top coat's fault. You can only add so much thinner before it bubbles over I guess! 

I hope you all enjoyed this design, and I would love to see any recreations you guys come up with! Thank YOU Miss Jas for being awesome and letting me post all up in your blog! Your stampings are near perfection and your gradiants make me wonder where I went so wrong with my own ;) 

Thanks for reading!


  1. I like the swirl effect it makes without actually swirling.

    Goblin Jizz makes me giggle! Hello world, why yes I am 30!

    Now have For Whom the Bell Tolls in my head. :D

    1. I love the swirl effect too! At first glance I thought it was a water marble! Goblin Jizz is PRICELESS! <3

  2. I am new to the nail blog world! and I am your newest follower!!! your nails are all so pretty!!!

    1. Thank you so much! If you have a facebook feel free to swing by my page and add me! That is where I will announce contests and giveaways also :)

  3. So neat! Have you ever used regular scrap booking stamps on your nails?

    1. Aren't they awesome? Crystal does some awesome work! I have never used regular scrap booking stamps but I do use nail stamping plates like I breath air lol
