
Monday, June 18, 2012

CND Shellac Review

Hey Lovelies! Since I was going on vacation for a little over a week I thought it would be really fun to try out the CND Shellac polish that my husband got for me as a Christmas present last year. The application was super simple and only took me about 40 mins with a small child needing attention every 5 mins lol. I only left them on for a week because I suffer from "I have to change my polish every day" syndrome and a week is all I could take! Below are photos taken every day for one full week. Enjoy!  

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4

Day 5

Day 6

One Week! 

Holy Cow that was awesome! HAHAHA Needless to say after only 2 full days of  wearing the Shellac both of my pointer fingers chipped and that was all. I honestly think that it was my fault that they chipped because I forgot to cap the free edges on only those 2 fingers. All in all I was very happy with how they looked after the full week of hell I put them through and they could have easily have gone through another week of hell with very minimal chipping. I was super impressed because within that week I had gone swimming 4 times for hours and having a kid you wash your hands over a thousand times a day. I would definitely recommend trying out Shellac if you like to wear a manicure for more then 2 days without chips. I hope you enjoyed this! 

Where To Get It :

Color I used- Fedora


  1. I love love love shallac!!!! have you ever watched the shallac you tube videos on nail art! its soo cool the things I would have never thought of!!! funny thing is my pointer finger peels the fastest too... i think its because I try to peel stuff with my finger eek!! lol

    1. I have watched the YouTube videos and they are AMAZING! It's so crazy that they can layer 2 colors and create a new beautiful shade! I think I do everything with my pointer fingers because my polish chips there that most! lol

    2. I am new to the nail blog world and wold LOVE it if you followed me!!!

    3. Oh course! Do you have a Facebook Fan Page too?

  2. Reeeeaallly nice polish!! :D

  3. That is so glossy. I love it MM! Thanks for the awesome review. How many colors do you have for your shellac set!? That was so nice of you hub to get that for you!!!

    1. Isn't it!! So glad you liked it! As of right now I only one Fedora but I want to get tons of other colors! I couldn't believe he got me it and kept it a secret! lol He did good!

  4. It really looks like it stands up well if you cap the edges--and such a gorgeous colour!

    1. It does! If you like wearing a color for a long time its great!
