
Thursday, January 26, 2012

The Nail Polish Tag!

Hey guys! I saw that Hopeless Shopaholic did a nail polish tag and since I read it I got tagged :) Go check out her page Here to see her answers. I'm tagging anyone who is reading this and Sun-Dried Lacquer

Answer the questions
Tag 5 other bloggers
Let the bloggers know that they have been tagged 
by leaving a comment on their page

1. How many nail polishes do you have? Only 83 .... I think I need more ;) 

2. What is your favorite brand of nail polish? Hands down Essie! 

3. Do you like crackle polish or do you hate it? I like it but I hate that it dries up fast :( 

4. What was your first nail polish brand? Wet N' Wild.... Who doesn't love great nail polish for .99 cents?!?!

5. If you are going to have a nail polish line, what are you going to name it? I never really thought of this but off the top of my head I would name it MixedMama :) 

6. What nail polish colors do not compliment you? I'm not sure yet lol. I only wore dark colors and now I'm branching out. Once I find a shade i'll let ya know! 

7. What nail polish colors do compliment you? Pinks, Reds, Purples, Blues, Greens... wow seems like they all do! 

8. Name two of your best nail art friends. Oh man I can't just pick two!! I would have to say my aunt Robyn and my two friends Kelly and Ana.

9. What was the best nail polish gift that you ever received? I would have to say this Christmas when my husband surprised me with a 20 piece nail art kit!  

10. Make a speech thanking the blogger who gave you this tag. Thank you April for tagging anyone who read this! I had tons of fun doing it! 

11. What is your second favorite nail polish company? OPI

12. Glitter or no Glitter? Yes, tons and tons! I just hate taking it off lol 

13. OPI, China Glaze, or Essie? #1 Essie #2 OPI #3 China Glaze 

14. When do you change your nail polish? Whenever it chips or when I do a new tutorial 

15. What's your favorite color on your nails? Essie's Lady Like... It's a beautiful nude/pink color!

16. Darks or Brights? Both! I love dark colors in the Fall and Winter while in Spring and Summer I love bright colors! 

17. What are you wearing on your nails right this moment? AHHHHH they are bare right now!!!! But don't worry they will only be bare for a few more seconds! 

18. Matte Nails--In or Out? I love the look of Matte nails but have never tried it. 

19. French Manicure? Love it! Simple and classy... you can always throw on some nail art and jazz it up! 

20. Favorite Winter Color? Essie's Soul Mate or OPI's William Tell Me About OPI

Hope you all enjoyed this tag! If you decide to do this then comment below and I will check out your post! Don't forget to Comment and subscribe for your regular dose of nail awesomeness! 

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